Monday, December 29, 2008

Rebuilding... AGAIN

So, things didn't exactly go as planned. Deangelo Hall was a bust. Javon Walker was a bust. Tommy Kelly did nothing to earn his contract. Justin Fargas and Darren Mcfadden could not stay healthy. JaMarcus Russell had some games where he looked like he had never thrown a football before. Robert Gallery continued to be Robert Gallery. Lane Kiffin got shit canned at midseason and was replaced by a life long assistant. In short, it was a typical season in Raiderland. And while this season was most certainly one massive kick to the balls after another, even a jaded cynic like myself can see that there were several positives. Throughout the following weeks I am going to break down the entire Raiders season, position by position, player by player. My teams sucks shit, yet I still press on. That is, in essence, what the Armchair Linebacker mentality is all about. I encourage all of my Armchair cohorts to follow suit. This past season has been one of the more interesting seasons ever, at least in my view. Let us keep this thing rolling all the way up to the draft. Peace and all that.


(´・ω・) said...

lookin forward 2 it bud!!!!!!!!!

i will get to work on the birds as soon as their postseason ends~~~~

Neil said...

I'll probably still post at least once a week.

The Baron said...

I'll probably keep going at my regular pace, even if I just do some "Chicago Bear of the Day" thing like I used to do on my own shit. But in the meantime, the 2008 Bears Post-season Postmortem is coming... eventually.

Neil said...

I will do a postmortem thing(or several broken up and covering different aspects of this holocaust of a season)but Jesus it will likely get out of hand in a hurry and I will have to have all sharp objects removed and my shoelaces will probably have to be taken away.