Sunday, December 14, 2008


So, is there like any way we can get a mulligan for this season? Please? This season started out with Al Davis selling some minority shares of the Raiders and using that cash to spend lavishly on some absolute shit talent. On the bright side, I am clinging to the hope that Al will panic and repeat this process over and over before ultimately he loses control of the team, kinda like how Charlie traded all of shares of the bar to Mac and Dennis for things like sandwiches and such on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The downside of that scenario is that the Chinese will likely end up controlling the team. Damn commies.

Jamarcus Russell has now regressed back into vintage Akili Smith mode, which is just a tad discomforting. If the script continues to play out the way it has so far at the end of the season I will be able to look back at 2, maybe 3 games where Jamarcus looked even slightly like an NFL QB. That is not quite what I was hoping for when the season began. I would say he has been a disappointment, but I mean, c'mon. It's not like this was unforeseen or anything. It's not even like I can say he was a train wreck because train wrecks hold your interest, if only for a few moments. Jamarcus has been boring, both on the field and off. Why do you think eternal fuck ups and sociopaths like Lyle Alzado, The Tuze, Jack Tatum and the like have been embraced by the Raiders fan base? Because they at least managed to hold our interest through their waaaaaacky off field antics long after they began to suck on the field. That is simply the Raider way.

It is somewhat sad that there is no openly visable way I can see this changing. Al Davis is still making the calls, perched proudly in his Rascal scooter, babbling incoherently as Amy Trask changes out his shit filled clostomy bag. He has made a legacy by defying the odds, so I can totally see him living to be 150 years old. Oh well, at least it's basketball season. Oh shit, Kings lost the Knicks by 20 at home? Fuck it, I'm going to go read a book. Thanks for nothing, stupid football.


Dart Adams said...

Whiner! LOL.


The Baron said...

Oh man. The Oakrand Laiders.

Harpo said...

Hey Dart, tell ya what, cum lord. If your team, currently tied for first despite looking like a walking M*A*S* unit and being lead by a guy who hasn't played meaningful football since HS, somehow manages to lose to a team who called the season off months ago, you can go back to being a band wagon hopping shit knob and I won't say shit. Go eat a dick

Dart Adams said...

@ Harpo:

That comment was a JOKE based on the type of comments I've received in the past three months for merely writing how I feel. You just what you feel and see how you responded to me? Did you NOT see the LOL at the end of my comment, Harpo?

I've a Patriots fan since 1978, still am and I'm gonna DIE one so when was I ever a bandwagon hopper? I was disappointed they wouldn't be able to challenge for the Super Bowl title like I hoped. That's called "extreme disappointment" and people that feel that way usually write the same type of posts that I did in the past and the one you just did here with "Failure To Launch".

No need to apologize, Harpo. I realize that you're feeling really upset right now. Notice, I didn't use any swears in my response to you?
