Monday, December 19, 2016

Ox Baker Meltzer obit, trans. from English to Arabic, from Arabic to Russian, from Russian to Icelandic, from Icelandic back to English

With large size, thick eyebrows, mustache, balding, and perhaps only the most sinister kind of person in the history of Pro Wrestling, which can not create a thumb that may seem horrible Ox Baker.

This is due to the coincidence of two people die after a short time to play with it, in many countries in the world, he was named as the most dangerous of human struggle, the man who killed several men with his move to sign, pierce the heart.

And he described the 6-foot-5 or 6-foot-6, which was not much of a stretch (the belief that he was 6-foot-4 and a half of the project in the early days), and 342 pounds (he was legally in his office and the supreme court of the 300 pound mark was not fat at the weight). If it had been a fighter in his day, which will give young nightmares, with the possible exception Sheikh, it was the man Ox Baker. Because of his vision, he was regularly on the covers of wrestling magazines.

He was taken in one area after another, and the man who killed anywhere from two to six people in the ring, and it depends on how much he wanted to local promotion exaggeration in the history of heart punch.

Baker gave one set of heels higher than 1970. All this happened despite the fact that it was already past 40 when he set his heart punch card and it took two days and the actual place of death. He went everywhere, usually for a short time so that it can not bite with the bark of. Almost paralyzed suffering from knee problems caused by a broken foot early in his career, and is not able to pick up only in slow motion, and Baker, the man was a big boost for publicity stills. It is often quickly to win the championship, to give long interviews on television, but in many places, and the idea was to be able to contend with as little as possible or a short TV as much as possible. His vision and boredom, with local favorite stories that could put their lives on the line against him, he gave him a quick main event. But the game can not really live up to the hype, and he won the title, lost it quickly, and take his act to the next location.

Baker died about 4:45 1020 from kidney failure after a battle with diabetes and heart attack last year. He was 80. He was attacked by at least another attack 14 years ago.

Death Baker was not surprised. She was his daughter, Megan, went through the group to raise funds in an effort to raise money for his funeral last few months, and it was well known that for a long time to live.

Last year, he lost more than 100 million pounds. He still came out when he can get a reservation. He worked in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the summer festival this year, where people noticed how much of the decline took his health. For example, while doing an interview with a high heel, in fact, he was known to struggle behind the scenes music sings very well. At the end of last summer, and work in the near future Indie Carondelat, IL, and he showed that he continued singing prowess is not until the end.

But he had no illusions that the body will not fail him. When you try to push to set a date for the return of the presentation and told him that they were satisfied with it and put it back next year, he said. "I do not think I can"
Baker said, for a long time he was afraid of death, Alberto Torres and Ray Gunkel.

The cause of death of Torres for the game June 13, 1971, in VERDIGRE, NE, with Torres and Cowboy Bob Ellis defend his titles against Midwest login Baker team and foot (Tom "Andrews" Anderson under the mask).

During the game, came medium grip the ropes and landed on Torres. Torres died of pancreatic cancer breaks after three days in hospital in Omaha Immanuel. He received death national news reports at the time, with the idea that it comes from an accident in the ring. A few years later, he played on the ground to some extent in the movie Verne Gagne in 1974, "Gladiator", and placebo wrestler Jack Cutter (played by Champion NCAA ex Joe Scarpello) was killed when he threw Ray Stevens knee drop a bomb off the top rope. In fact, in the film, and when the star Edward Asner ( "if Grant") spoke to the media about the death of the cutter, and especially mentioned the name Torres in his fighters who died fighting in the ring.

At the time, said the move by the cords killed Anderson Torres, who had 37. Baker just happened to be a tag team member. Improving Nebraska promoter Joe Dusek in an attempt to build recommend claws and Ramon Torres, who was brought into the territory in retaliation for the death of his brother in the story of a boomerang effect. Dusek, Ellis Baker, Anderson and Ramon Torres won all corners of the TV based on the idea was a step Andersen, who was killed by Alberto Torres, and the belief that it was not.


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