Monday, October 18, 2010

Midnight Boxing

Back in 2001, that year when that asshole HAL went apeshit and apparently some monkeys threw some bones in the air while dramatic drums played in the background, I found myself piss drunk in the backyard of a friend deep into the night with a pair of boxing gloves strapped on my hands and one of my best friends standing across from me, pummeling me.

Now, this might strike you as vaguely odd, but if it does then you really haven’t been paying attention. Shit like this happened to me all the time in college, largely because I was an utter degenerate.

Anyway, earlier that night I had helped celebrate another close friend’s 21st birthday by buying him a metric shitload (technical term) of shots. I, of course, felt it was my duty to match him shot for shot because I am a real friend. Cut to several hours later and I was standing in the living room of another friend with boxing gloves on. She seemed obviously ill at ease with the whole idea, but I assured her that everything was cool and I just wanted to wear them for a while. Then I punched out a window in her living room. She was remarkably patient with me, but still, it was time to take that shit outside.

One of my closest friends during that time was a dude who was an all-state football player in high school who had drifted, like me, into degeneracy. He joined me outside. He was soberish (I won’t say sober because nobody was, but in terms of relativity, he was sober. I mean, I was so drunk that Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas was sober by comparison. Anyway, for further discussion, see Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.) and he had also acquired boxing gloves. Meanwhile, I am a fairly athletic dude. I can throw a punch. But I was so drunk that I could barely stand which is, naturally, a fairly important thing when it comes to boxing.

I had another friend who sat outside and watched us because, hell, that shit was funny. He sort of took on the role of de facto ref because that’s the sort of thing you do when you’re all fucked up at three in the morning.

So, the stage was set for an epic battle. My friend was a sober beast and I was incoherent and even Iggy Pop probably would have told me that I needed to chill the fuck out. But fuck all that, it was time to brawl. Naturally, I got knocked the fuck out over and over and over again. But I kept getting back up, much to my friends’ amazement. They would just laugh – mostly because they were assholes – but I was out of my head and I would stagger back to my feet after a 40 count or so and start slurring a bunch of unintelligible bullshit and then I would get knocked out again. But I kept getting up because fuck them, that’s why. I kept getting up because there is something inside of me that is hardwired to not stay down. I am stubborn and the more I get beat on the more ridiculous I get. After probably the 912th time I got put on my back, I crawled back to my feet and called my friend a coward and a cocksucker and a lot of other hideous shit. I was indignant and defiant, drunk and disorderly, completely out of hand, and he just laughed again and knocked me the fuck out one more time.

There was never a moment when I thought “You know, you might want to stay down you damn fool. You can’t win this. You’re too drunk and you can’t even stand up to throw a proper punch.” No, in my mind I was convinced that I would make it back to my feet and this time I would connect with a miracle punch and knock my friend out cold. (By the way, I know this makes no sense. Why would I want to knock my friend out cold? Just remember, I was shitfaced, and this is the sort of thing that happens when you are a man, young and filled with a combination of adrenaline and booze. There is no such thing as reason. He was there, we had boxing gloves on, and so damn it, I was gonna knock him the fuck out.) If anything, the only way I was winning that fight was if I vomited on him and he gave up.

It even got to the point where my friend who was doubling as the referee started to bellow the theme to Rocky every time I scrambled to my feet. Even in my addled haze I knew that he was mocking me but fuck it, sometimes you just have to fight for yourself even if no one else believes in you, or hell, even cares at all about the outcome. I am an intensely competitive person, to the point where it is not fun to even play a game of cards with me. I can make a game of darts miserable with my shit talk. I am relentless and blood thirsty and I recognize this about myself. I am not proud of it, but there are times when I shouldn’t win but I do because I won’t back down. You can name just about any sport or game and I can point out at least one time when I won just because I was a psychotic asshole who had to win.

That’s all great when you’re sober. But when you are completely shitfaced, and you can’t see right and everything feels like some giant psychedelic hillbilly circus, you’re just going to get your ass kicked over and over and over again. And that’s what happened. I had the will to keep fighting but I was too fucked up to really do anything about it. I was fatally flawed and that was that.

I want to say that there was some grand moment where I stood up and my friends all respected me as a fighter but the truth is, is that they just laughed at me until finally the night just got old and everyone went back inside. And then, I sat in the passenger seat of my friend’s car – the same friend who had just spent who knows how long pummeling me – and I wept like a stupid baby. I wasn’t sad or angry or upset or anything like that. I was just overloaded with adrenaline and booze and the combination makes for some weird side effects. One of those is crying. It just happens. You don’t even know why you’re doing it, but there you are, blubbering like a damn fool while your friend tells you that he understands and hey, it’s cool because it’s happened to him before too and then the next thing you know, the sun is coming up and you feel like a zombie and you have already wrecked the toilet with your vomitous thunder and so now you’re on your hands and knees on the back patio dry heaving and wondering if you accidentally slipped through a secret portal into hell.

I woke up the next day on my friend’s couch like some vagrant and my entire face was killing me. I looked in the mirror and my gums were all caked with dried blood and there was a mat of what I hoped was blood right underneath my nose, my poor, poor nose which would hurt for a month afterward. Everything was swollen and Goddamn, if there was ever a point in my life where I could have been thrown into some sort of shelter or rehab facility without anyone questioning it, it was then.

One thing about me is that even if I get stupendously drunk, I never black out. I always (okay, almost always. I am allegedly only human, after all.) remember what I did the night before, which can, uh, lead to some embarrassment. So, there I was, staring into a mirror in my friend’s bathroom (By the way, I just crashed at his place because my place was further away and, well, let’s just say that distance may have been a factor when it came to his deciding whether to drive home or not that night.), staring at my wrecked face, dried blood everywhere, and I felt both embarrassed and proud. I was embarrassed because, well, obviously . . . but I was also strangely proud because I remembered that I kept on getting up. Even though my friends were laughing at me and even though no one was taking that shit seriously at all, in my heart, my drunken foolish heart, it meant something to me. I kept making myself get up to prove something to myself. I had to get up because no matter how much I got knocked down, if I did that, then I couldn’t lose. There was no way I could win the fight because I was drunk and had been rendered retarded. But if I just managed to stand up after I got knocked down, then hell, I’d still be there and really, wasn’t that the point?

I finished looking into the mirror and I walked back out into the living room, looking and feeling like I had just walked off the set of a Romero flick and I saw my friend standing there. He saw me and just started laughing. I laughed too because really, what else can you do? But in my heart I was proud because I looked at his face and on his forehead was one big raw mark where a bunch of skin had been ripped off. It would seem that at some point, I had managed to land one shot. I was drunk and I couldn’t win, but I always got up and I never quit coming. Time eventually ran out and everyone went home, but I never lost, never looked at him and said I quit. Instead, I gave him a nasty looking cut in the middle of his forehead. I was behind on points, but if we fought forever, I still think that eventually, I would have won.

That is a convoluted metaphor for what just went down against the Giants on Sunday, on the anniversary of my birth. I meant for it to only be a paragraph but, well, much like that night, shit got out of hand in a hurry. But as that game was finishing up, that night went through my mind and for good reason. The Lions fought and they fought and they fought and they never stayed down, even though they kept getting knocked on their asses. But they were also drunk and fatally flawed. They were never going to win that fight. They couldn’t. But they kept fighting anyway until finally, time just ran out and everybody walked off the field.

It seemed like a game where everything from the ref to Dick Stockton to fate itself conspired to keep the Lions from winning. Hell, God even tried to kill poor Zack Follett. But still, the Lions wouldn’t go away. Dick Stockton spent half the game blathering about how the Giants could do anything they wanted against the Lions defense – which, no, damn it, just . . . no – and then spent the rest of the game gibbering like a fool and openly wondering how the Lions were still in the game. It wouldn’t have surprised me if the cameras cut to the booth and a shot of ol’ Dick wearing a Giants jersey. Really, shut the fuck up, old man.

But what made Dick’s dickery even more obnoxious was that it was a narrative that just didn’t mesh with what was actually happening. The story he was telling and the story that a lot of fans will come away with is of one team dominating the hapless Lions yet again while the Lions shit themselves, roll over and then die. But that is all a bunch of hideous horseshit. The Lions kept stopping the Giants. On a down by down basis, they were punching with them, hanging in there, and damn it, in a position to win that fight. But they were also drunk and fucked up, and they couldn’t recover from that.

Really, you can point to a handful of moments that decided this game. It wasn’t outright dominance by the Giants – the Lions actually outgained the Giants over the course of the game – and anyone who thinks that’s what it was either didn’t watch the game or is just being lazy. On the Giants second touchdown drive of the game, the Lions had them stopped on a 3rd and 20 but Ndamukong Suh’s hands wandered up a little too high onto the face of the center, Shaun O’Hara, and what was a dead drive, killed by the Lions defense, was given new life that ended with a touchdown. It was a penalty that really had nothing to do with the effectiveness – or ineffectiveness in that particular case – of the play. It was just a stupid, quirky little thing. His hands got a little too high and that was that. It seems like such a fractionally stupid thing, such an unimportant little incident that it’s absurd that it should have had such an impact on the result of the game, but it did and here we are.

On the Giants third touchdown drive, the Lions stopped the Giants on 3rd down and had forced them to kick a field goal. But, wait! Hey, isn’t that Cliff Avril swinging away like a drunken degenerate at some fool? It is! Well, hey, that had nothing to do with the play but let’s just give the Giants a first down inside the five yard line. Touchdown, thanks for trying.

That’s 14 points that should have been 3. By my count that takes the Giants to 17 points, and well, that’s a slippery slope, the whole if this then that game, but well . . . yeah. It’s not like those were pass interference penalties or things that actually had an effect on the damn game. They were away from the play incidents, things that had nothing to do with football and they lost the Lions the game.

There are those who will tell you that is the point entirely, that those moments are relevant and are what separate the good teams from the bad, and honestly, those people aren’t wrong. But when it comes to football, to snapping the ball and stopping the other guy, well, the Lions did that. They were just too drunk to win.

I will talk later about Drew Stanton gritting his way down the field and about how that game was the perfect summation of the entire being of Ol’ Plucky, but all that is just background noise for what really mattered, and that is that the Lions actually showed that they could play with anyone right now. It’s just that, well, they need to sober up.

Every time they would stagger back to their feet, they would just fall back down again. Drew Stanton would fumble or Nate Burleson would lose the ball in a fumble that was so barely a fumble that it felt like the refs should let the Lions keep the ball just out of principle or Ahmad Bradshaw would finally break loose and Goddammit, you’re so close, just take a swing and you can win this fight!

But . . . no. The truth is that no, no they couldn’t. Because they were drunk and fatally flawed. Did the Lions deserve to win this game? No. Did the Lions deserve to lose this game? No. That’s the best way that I think I can put this. They couldn’t win because they were too fucked up. But they wouldn’t lose either. Time just ran out and everybody went home. But even though the Lions are caked in their own blood, the Giants also woke up today, looked in the mirror and saw a big, nasty gash on their forehead.

I don’t believe in moral victories. I believe in winning or losing. And so, naturally, I’m pissed that the Lions lost. I’m pissed that there are people who will take this game and look at all the penalties and all the mistakes and think “Same old Lions.” But, Goddamn, this was a team that was down to its third string quarterback, on the road against a team that has a pretty decent shot at the playoffs, with a star receiver who spent the whole week unable to even lift his arm high enough to put a shirt on without difficulty, and they were drunk off their ass. And somehow, still, if one or two things happen differently, they would have won the damn game. That is almost miraculous. I’m not happy, but I’m not mad either. I’m just sort of sore and upset because we got knocked the fuck out, but I’m also proud because we always got back up and if that fight would have lasted forever, eventually, we would have won.


Raven Mack said...

beautiful, and I am both proud and ashamed at how much of the first half of this thing I relate to, although I'm not really ashamed at all just trying to be cool with the rest of the world which seems to consist entirely of pussies and not the good-feeling kind either

UpHere said...

And then you hit the gym, worked hard and became heavyweight champion of the world, right? As a Lions fan, I really need to hear that you persevered, and eventually became heavyweight champ. I dont remember it, so it must have been the decade I was drinking. Cuz, if all that happened is that you got larged up again the next weekend and got your ass kicked.....oh god.

The Chiefs are sure improving quickly, aren't they?

Neil said...


And yes. Those bastards.

Neil said...

"although I'm not really ashamed at all just trying to be cool with the rest of the world"

I know, man. I know.

UpHere said...

Dick Stockton did almost make me go Bruce Banner though. Homer jackass. Go see another Broadway play next Sunday with the rest of your age demographic, you mole- blind, syphilitic, incompetent buffoon.

We're so close, is the problem, and not in a smoke and mirrors/Mike Martz-high-risk-gambles-paying-off-and-5- turnovers kinda way. Close to being actually, solid foundation, good players executing, good. Every week good.

Neil said...

With the bye week coming up, I have something . . . special planned for Dick Stockton.

And yeah, that's the thing. The progress that we are seeing is real and more importantly, sustainable. There is no HEY LOOK A MAGIC WIZARD. It just feels, for the first time, like that moment we've all been waiting for - most of us for our entire lives - is finally just around the corner.

Unknown said...

Fuckin senile old Dick Stockton...Charles Davis wasn't any better. God how I hate announcers.

Neil said...

Yeah, they were terrible. Like I said, I have something planned.

CJ said...

I've lost the capacity to self-edit. I apologize in advance.

The ethanol gladiator story is such a perfect metaphor for this game, that if it hadn't happened, you would have had to invent it. "They were too drunk to win" is a great description from what went on the field from the crazy great plays like that CJ touchdown to the weird eleventy-down doomed goal line stand to actual emotions appearing on Jim Schwartz's face.

I have never loved a Lions' team as a whole as much as I love this one today. I am setting myself up for horrendous heartbreak but I really really like them. None of them appear to have Lions' disease in the futile,apathetic sense. They all keep trying--even when everything is against them, even when all hope is lost, even when they are also at the same time legit stupid. It's not like rooting as I know it, rooting for some sense of personal history, for the fanbase at large, for a few players you happen to like...I want this team to win for all the above reasons, but also because they are an actual football team, and they are refusing to succumb to the preordained storyline written for them. I know it's heretical, but I enjoyed that game in many ways way more than some Lions' wins I've seen, where the DOOM is hanging over them. These Lions are someday going to be capable of telling the DOOM or the Failure Demon or whatever to gtfo. (I told you I was incoherent). I've never felt like that before.

I've also never liked the game of football less...the horrible conservatism of the league at large, Zach Follett lying immobile on the field, that stupid celebration penalty rule which means that the only thing talked about after a Burleson touchdown is that he can't kick it in the stands because that would be HORRIBLE and TERRIBLE and NOT SRS BSNS ENOUGH, this idea from both the announcers (and I'm paranoid, the refs), that the game must follow a script and any deviation will be met by stern correction, Miss Othmar babbling about how establishing the run is imperative so they must waste another 100 downs on it even though its obvious it's not going to work because THAT IS HOW WE PLAY THE GAME. UGH.

I'm so glad you're going to tear into the announcers. Usually I ignore them, but because someone (JP?) mentioned how biased they were as a whole against the Lions, I paid attention. Man, when the announcers are creepily trying to WILL THE CHAIN to come up short of first down with longing in their voices, it has gone beyond the pale. I'm glad Jim Schwartz was half laughing/half angry and swearing at the skies. It might not be 'professional' as they insinated at one point, but it beat the creepy robot overlord announcers all to hell.

[boring personal aside: Sometimes women do say cliche and stupid things like "I really enjoy being a girl." I've always thought that was ridiculously dumb, like "I enjoy being a slave to biology" or "I just love regressing to the mean." You are already a girl, it's not requiring any additional effort on your part. Get over it. However, that story you told about being drunk and beaten on? Kind of made me grateful to be a girl. A)Because being beaten on, beating on, or watching someone get beaten on for hours and not changing it up is insane. Just saying. ;) B) Also, because it made me realize that being
a girl has kept me from getting hit in the face nearly as often as I probably deserve. So personal growth for me, via your words at Armchair Linebacker. I thank you. Conclusion of boring personal aside.]

Great post. Again. Hope you had a happy birthday. I will regain my capacity to edit before I post again, I promise.

CJ said...

Whoa. I had no idea it was that long. I REALLY do apologize.

JP said...

Wow, I just read through my post, and man I must have been mad, or drunk, or both when I wrote that piece. I apologize for that. I had saved it to my clipboard so I just pasted it back up when I saw that it didn't make it up yesterday.

Anyhow, I just wanted to say that this place is really getting fun to come to now that the participation is taking off. The blog has always been good, but it's alot of fun to keep the conversation going between the great articles.

Raven Mack said...

Charles Davis is the fucking worst. I have figured him being hooked up with Stockton is just Fox's way of trying to make him quit or get better out of necessity. Unfortunately neither has happened.

steven said...

Ok, so after what amounts to Mr. Hood splitting an arrow with yet another and then again another... Then with all the Peer pressure from the others.... and I quote "Anyhow, I just wanted to say that this place is really getting fun to come to now that the participation is taking off. The blog has always been good, but it's alot of fun to keep the conversation going between the great articles."

The time has come.... so here I is..

I have been reading your blog only for hmmmm idk maybe a year or just under (found it through Ty's TLIW). I have to say, of all the blogs/posts/drivel availiable via the interwebs, yours is the ONLY one that I can say, "damn he nailed it" Its my solace, with me being here in Colts land (Indy, duh) and all the knob slobbering that ensue's over gods gift to football and humanity at large, payton. I hear endless drivel from the local media about it and if it were not for the wife deciding ehhh,... why not, he may as well suffer with video in addition to sound, and suprising me with a D-tv and the sunday ticket pkg well... im rambling... but anyway ...

Thanks for the posts and keep it coming....

Oh and BTW... yes, I remember Barry's rookie year... I was on a big gray ship on my way to Iraq when I got a VCR tape of the whipping of dallas in the playoff game..... Good God ... how have i maintain any semblance of sanity..

PEACE.... Steve

Neil said...


I hear you. Sometime over the last few weeks, I really, really started to like this team in the same way that you talked about - not just because they are my team and all that entails, but because of the players themselves. I can't wait to see this group start winning.

And yeah, the No Fun League aspect of the NFL has always been annoying as hell. There could be so much more to it then there already is, but then Joe Buck's monacle would drop into his drink and his wife, the lovely Troy Aikman, would pass out in shock.

As for the insanity of getting punched in the face over and over and over again? Well, guilty. But I'm probably not quite sane and I can be an incredible dumb ass when the moon is just right and the booze is flowing. That is werewolf Neil.

And finally, write how many words you want. It's all cool. Lord knows I'm not exactly a champion of self editing.

Neil said...


Yes. The comments are making this place even more fun for me and I dig the interactiveness of it all. We're a screwed up little community and we will raise hell together and scare the uptight and the dumb.

Neil said...

"Charles Davis is the fucking worst. I have figured him being hooked up with Stockton is just Fox's way of trying to make him quit or get better out of necessity. Unfortunately neither has happened."

Oh man, yes. A day or two before the game, someone was talking up Charles on twitter and I was like "Really?" So I paid even more attention to the announcing in this game than usual and damn, that poor dude sounds like he's at least mildly retarded. Even senile old Dick Stockton was ahead of him most of the time. Awful, just awful

Neil said...


Man, welcome to the zoo. We're glad to have you. And thanks for the kind words. I try to get to the heart of things here and I'm glad that comes through sometimes. Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting.

Also, I talk a lot about being warriors in our hearts, but now we have a literal warrior in Steven and it's always good to have someone who's trained to whoop up on the wicked and the foolish on your side.

(And as always, thank you Ty, for sending me a ton of kick-ass readers.)

-b said...

Killer post.

Neil said...

Thank you once again, -b. Your wisdom is undeniable.

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