Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The team is 2-0, why do some fans need talked off the ledge?

Superman dat ho.

So despite the predictions that they wouldn't be able to win a game without Ben, the Steelers are 2-0 and several things are apparent:

  • The defense is back, mainly Troy but also Aaron Smith returning to anchor the D-line
  • They have zero offense without Ben, but like some famous ex fake fighter once said, IT DOESN'T MATTER. The Ravens won a goddamn Super Bowl with an all world defense and no offense, certainly the Steelers could win a game or two.
  • No matter what, some people will always find something to bitch about.
They shut down one of the best running backs in the game, and all anyone can talk about on the local sports radio station is how they only got 26 yards in the passing game. Well what do you expect when the one mobile QB we have that isn't on dick suspension blows out his knee early in the game? When you're forced to put in a guy who's counting down to AARP eligibility you have to dial it down a notch.

Think of it this way, there's two games left before Ben comes back: Tampa and Baltimore. You would think that Tampa's the easiest of the first four games, and Baltimore has shown to be just as all-D and no-O as the Steelers only they don't have the excuse of not having their starting QB. After that, there's the bye and the remaining schedule (with Ben) includes such notables as Buffalo, Oakland (sorry Harpo), Carolina, and Cleveland twice. Unless real disaster strikes, it shouldn't be too hard to collect some wins in that group.

Maybe this is all Dennis Dixon's fault after all, if he didn't insist on changing his uniform number to 10 after Santonio left, then maybe people wouldn't be acting like the Steelers brought back Kordell Stewart.

In the end it won't matter. Leftwich will come back to play against his former team, then there will be another old fashioned defensive battle (at home) against Baltimore. After that, the mighty cocksman will return to reclaim his rightful throne and all will be right with the world.


Neil said...

The real question is how the fuck did Pittsburgh swing such a soft ass schedule?

Sek said...

By finishing third in their division and missing the playoffs due to the Jets playing teams that were starting 4th stringers.

Neil said...

I wonder what Ray Lewis would do if Big Ben whipped his dick out during the middle of a game.

Raven Mack said...

probably some sort of scary dance