Friday, April 2, 2010

stupid fucking fat ass albert haynesworth

This is his new boat called Terminator he just unveiled at some stupid boat show.

This is his old boat called Hellrazor from last summer that he sold off to start work on this new project.
Why can't giant black athletic black dudes who get way more money than they should to do some stupid shit not realize you wait until you are like 40 to start fucking around with dumb shit like this? Eyes on the prize bro. You could continue to exploit the system you sit at the top of right now for hopefully a whole decade, clock your grip, and then spend your whole year making stupid fucking things like this for the rest of your life, in financial comfort.
Instead, you played yourself out of ever finding someone as stupid as Dan Snyder (Dan Snyder three years in the future, for example) to give you ridiculous money for what you do, and most likely because instead of, you know, doing some cardio or something, you were doodling evil airbrushed paint schemes in your daydreams that would make Kenny Powers proud. I foresee relative poverty and a preaching career in Lord Albert Haynesworth's future.