Monday, January 14, 2008


The Spanos should change the name of the franchise to the Hearts. That's what this team is all about. Pure heart. Next up we have the evil Patriots. Again, no one thinks we have any chance. We will find a way, we will beat them, we will humble them old country way. It'll be cold as fuck. I think this will play into our hands. I think our lines can dominate theirs on both sides of the ball. I don't believe in no higher being, but NORV TURNER IS GOD! Let's go bolts!

BTW I hope that, with this last victory, that we are done with all these Manning commercials, I am sick of his stupid goober ass. Guy has no charisma at all and now he's getting his even lamer lil' brother sheli in on it. Horrible.


Dart Adams said...

No fuckin' chance...unless the Chargers entire O and D lines are replaced by T-100 Terminators.


Raven Mack said...

JZA you are a fool, but at least you are a fool for the same team consistently. Norv Turner will fuck you. In fact, this run (before now he'd never won a playoff game) will cause him to fuck you longer and harder.